
Pyr Marcondes

Diretor, M&M Consulting

Pyr Marcondes is a journalist, marketer, consultant and book author. He was a reporter for the magazine IstoÉ, the newspaper Jornal da Tarde as well as for Playboy magazine. He worked as Editorial Director for Grupo Meio & Mensagem in the 90’s. He was the Partner and Creative Director at the advertising agency Grottera & Cia. (TBWA) for 10 years. He was also the Country Manager for the internet portal StarMedia in Brazil. He founded and managed Digital Strategy, a marketing and digital communication consulting business. He was the Partner and Marketing Director at FUN Generation, a mobile marketing business. He founded and launched in 2005 in Brazil, the international brand project SUPERBRANDS. He was a deputy consultant for BrandFinance, English brand consulting business in 2004. He is today the General Director for the Grupo M&M’s Núcleo ProXXIma or ProXXIma Hub, an integrated platform comprised of a quarterly magazine, a portal on hardware news and an annual event. He also runs as General Manager the M&M Consulting unit of Grupo M&M.
Pyr Marcondes edited and supervised editorially dozens of market and corporate publications and books (6 books published) over his 40-year professional experience. He contributed and worked as a columnist on the newspaper Valor Econômico, besides being the anchorman for TV shows geared towards the marketing and communication industry.

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