
Susan Credle

Global Chief Creative Officer na FCB

Susan Credle is a creative powerhouse with a strong moral compass that drives her quest to infuse the industry with diversity. As the first female chairperson of The One Club for Creativity, Credle champions rising creative talent and advocates for industry inclusion.

Prior to joining FCB, Credle spent twenty-plus years at BBDO and was previously CCO of Leo Burnett USA. Upon arriving at FCB in 2016, she reignited the network by pushing for better work. At Cannes 2019, FCB had its strongest performance and was named a top-three Global Network.  

Honors include a spot on Advertising Age’s “100 Most Influential Women” list and Business Insider’s “Most Creative Women in Advertising” list. Credle was also a Matrix Awards honoree and was inducted into the AAF’s Hall of Achievement. 

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